Please consider: |
Answering in your native language in topics created for you by foreigners is not only a sign of bad taste, but also a sign of disrespect. For this, we will issue a ban or a RO at our discretion. |
Trying to appear "different" is punishable. We are playing Lineage 2 in one single country - Elmore |
Inciting political, racial or any other hostility on the forum or in the game is a permanent ban EVERYWHERE without the right to amnesty. This rule also applies to private messages both in the game and on the forum. |
The "Albanian" language ("Privet, kak dela, ya tebya ne ponimau") is being deleted. For systematic violations - ban. The year is 2025, and there are no problems ordering a keyboard or making an engraving with the right language. If you don't want to, refrain from participating in forum activity altogether. This rule does not apply in the game. |
If you don't like something, you have the right to criticize and express your own opinion. However, we remind you that no one is keeping you here. You are free to find yourself another project. |